For The Truth

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Christian Morality and Public Law

Five Theses by Dr. Albert Mohler
  1. A liberal democracy must allow all participants in the debate to speak and argue from whatever worldviews or convictions they possess.
  2. Citizens participating in public debate over law and public policy should declare the convictional basis for their arguments.
  3. A liberal democracy must accept limits on secular discourse even as it recognizes limits on religious discourse.
  4. A liberal democracy must acknowledge the commingling of religious and secular arguments, religious and secular motivations, and religious and secular outcomes.
  5. A liberal democracy must acknowledge and respect the rights of all citizens, including its self-consciously religious citizens.
Dr. Mohler puts forward and explains these five theses, in chapter four of Culture Shift: Engaging Current Issues with Timeless Truth (9781590529744), to promote understanding of the relationship of Christian morality to public law and policy.

[Liberal democracy is use in the same sense as free democracy without reference to party.]

"A Christian's motivation for entering the public square and advocating public policy is love of neighbor."


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