For The Truth

Sunday, February 07, 2010

The Way of the Righteous

Due to the snow storm GNBC could not gather for worship this morning. The Wallace family had family worship to honor the Lord's day. What follows is an outline of our service. I hope that it will be a help and encouragement for those of you have also been unable to gather for worship.

Call to Worship

"God is so good" (all together)(3x's)
"He's so good to me"

Psalms and Hymns

Psalm 1 (read collectively)


Hymn - O How I Love Jesus

Hymn - O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus

Creeds and Commandments

The Apostles' Creed (read by Calvert)

Scripture Reading and Discussion

Psalm 1

What does this passage say?
What does it mean for our lives?
How does it look in our lives? (positive and negative examples)
What should we do?

Prayer of Confession and Intercession

Closing Hymn

Hymn - Be Thou My Vision


The Lord bless you, and keep you; The Lord make His face to shine on you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance on you, and give you peace. (Num 6:24-26)

The structure we used above was taken from The Family Worship Book: A Resource Book for Family Devotions by Terry L. Johnson, pp. 45-47, ISBN: 9781857924015. This book is an excellent resource for family worship and devotions.


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