For The Truth

Friday, June 11, 2010

Membership, Attendance, and Participation in the Ordinances

There have been some thoughtful questions posed and some thought provoking articles written on the topics in the title. I hope to develop some articles regarding these and their interconnectedness in the life of the church. Until then, here are some worthwhile links on the subjects.

Dr. Russell Moore--The Kingdom of God and the Church: A Baptist Reappraisal

Dr. Russell Moore--Why is the Lord's Supper So Rare?

Jim Elliff--Southern Baptists, an Unregenerate Denomination

These only touch on the tip of a very large iceberg. I hope that they stimulate thought and I hope that I (or someone else for that matter) may be able to integrate the nature of: church membership; member attendance in the corporate worship, ministry, and fellowship; and the participation of those who claim the name of Christ in the ordinances that the Lord commanded His followers observe into an article that will benefit the body of Christ.

Bon appetit


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