For The Truth

Thursday, March 06, 2014

An Encouragement to Leaders to be Fashioned after the Character of God due to the Obligations of their Position

And what shall we find in God, but goodness? We see that throughout all the Scripture He is called the fountain of all lowliness, clemency, and pity. And therefore let such as are in a degree of honor think chiefly upon that. For it is certain that if they do not acquit themselves of their duty, they shall pay very dearly, because they have been so honorable in the world, and yet abused the singular benefits of God. And because both the one and the other are hard to be brought into conformity, insomuch that they who are oppressed cannot refrain from bitterness, but are provoked to break all bounds, let them be held in check by God’s Word and by vehement exhortations; and let the greater ones also be subdued so that they may not forget God as they are accustomed to do. For they forget themselves so far as to think that they are no longer mortal men. And it is certain that if men consider carefully their own state, and view themselves in the persons of the lowliest, it will lead them to humility. So then, God’s Word must have its course in this matter to restrain both the one and the other, that we may live each man according to his calling in such a way that God may be peaceably obeyed, and that in listening to His voice, we may desire nothing but to perform our duty towards Him and towards all creatures, until we are come to the everlasting kingdom, where we shall be partakers both of His glory and of His majesty, and of all the good things that are in Him.

John Calvin, from sermon 44 on Ephesians


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