Starting Your Day with God
As you:
- Wash--remember the cleansing blood of Calvary.
- Dress--put on the robe of Christ's righteousness.
- Eat--feed upon the Bread of Heaven
Gleaned from the thoughts of Philip Doddridge
As you:
Gleaned from the thoughts of Philip Doddridge
"Prayer should be constant." It is the Christian's duty to give himself to prayer.
"To pray without ceasing means:
When the Spirit of God stirs within us to come, we should make haste to come to God in prayer."
George Swinnock, Works, I:129-132
How shall we remedy our wandering thoughts in prayer?
Thomas Manton, Puritan Sermons 1659-1689, I:410-415
Found in Voices From The Past: Puritan Devotional Readings,
Ed. by Richard Rushing, 9 July, p.191
"Faith will suck sweetness out of God's rod; but unbelief can find no comfort in His greatest mercies." - John Bunyan
"Pray often; for prayer is a shield for the soul, a sacrifice to God, and a scourge for Satan.
Prayer is as a pitcher that fetches water from the brook, to water the herbs; break the pitcher and it will fetch no water, and for want of water the garden withers." - John Bunyan
"Ignorance is the mother of mistake, the cause of trouble, error, and of terror; it is the highway to hell, and it makes a man both a prisoner and a slave to the devil at once." - Thomas Brooks
"When we are not content with what God has given us, we will fall into sin." - Tabletalk magazine, 3/21/2024