For The Truth

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Six Biblical Guidelines for Loving Each Other Amid Differences

Here is some excellent counsel that I found at Justin's site that he found at Desiring God from Piper to the pastoral staff at Bethlehem.
  1. Let’s avoid gossiping.
  2. Let’s identify evidences of grace in each other and speak them to each other and about each other.
  3. Let’s speak criticism directly to each other if we feel the need to speak to others about it.
  4. Let’s look for, and assume, the best motive in the other’s viewpoint, especially when we disagree.
  5. Think often of the magnificent things we hold in common.
  6. Let’s be more amazed that we are forgiven than that we are right. And in that way, let’s shape our relationships by the gospel.
Thanks Justin for bring attention to this one. Read the whole thing for biblical support and explanation.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Reasons for Gratitude and Hope

In the "Generation to Generation" column of the February 09 edition of Tabletalk magazine, Dr. John de Witt under the title "Judgment and Mercy" reminds us of four reasons for gratitude and hope even as we recognize the signs of decline in our society.
  • The availability of Christian books and periodicals
  • Earnest and faithful preachers of the gospel
  • Strong, sturdy congregations in which the lamp of the gospel is burning brightly
  • That the universe, the world, and the church are in the hands of a sovereign God whose purposes are indefectible
Yes, if we will have eyes to see, we will find even in this fallen and decaying world much for which to give thanks and praise to our Lord and God.

Monday, April 06, 2009


Just perusing around the web I came across this tidbit. It is not breaking news, but given the fact that those who are sworn to "serve and protect" not only are willing to, but do put their lives on the line for our safety makes it worth noting. The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) at their annual State and Provincial Police Conference held this year in Alexandria, VA, awarded Virginia State Police Trooper Justin T. Mahalik for his valiant, life-saving actions during a traffic stop in Northern Virginia last April, making Department history. He is the first trooper since the Virginia State Police was established 77 years ago to achieve such this prestigious honor. To read further follow this link: 2008 Trooper Award.