A worthwhile read
I just received the Evangelical Forum Newsletter, and I look forward to savoring every word. It starts off with a rundown on the upcoming Evangelical forum meeting this month. The topic this year will be “The Place of Doctrine in the Local Church,” which promises to be an informative as well as needful address. Wish I could be there. Next, bias and irony among the Baptist General Association of Virginia leadership is addressed. Jeff Riddle does an able job of pointing out the discrepancy and hypocrisy of their attitudes toward the SBC. Other articles are: Do SBC Moderates Really Believe Women Should Serve as Pastors? By Al Mohler, a collection of treatments of parts of TULIP by Surgeon arranged by Ralph Traylor, and A Catechism of Bible Teaching by John Broadus, as well as some interesting tidbits of news. To read these articles go to the Evangelical Forum Newsletter.