For The Truth

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Al Mohler on Jerry Falwell

Click here to listen.

Jerry Falwell 1933-2007

With the passing of the day we witnessed the passing of a great man of God. Maybe not great in the same sense as Spurgeon or Calvin or Luther, yet great nonetheless. Jerry Falwell was a man who sought to honor God and do what was right. Did he always succeed? No. Do any of us?

He was larger than life; and he spoke his mind. He was straight forward and not a mealy-mouthed back stabber. Oh yes, sometimes he spoke out of line, and there has been many a time he has put his foot in his mouth and I thought, “oh Jerry, why did you say that?” But if one is going to stand tall for what is right and be heard above the din of all that the world would use to distract, detract, and drown out the truth, then some mistakes will be made. Thank God for His mercy and grace, without which none of us would stand a chance.

It is interesting that when I was a young man I could not stand Jerry, but as I grew in the Lord I began to like him more and more. I began to see that Jerry was right about a lot of things. What happened? Had Jerry changed? Had he matured more in the Lord? Certainly so, but the significant change was in my life. I began to realize that my life was not my own, I had been bought with a price. The implications for this affect more than just how we live, but the very attitudes that we hold. I am thankful for the work Dr. Falwell accomplished here in Virginia and in this life. May those who come behind him be faithful to his desire to do great things for God.

My condolences to all who will miss him; may you find peace in the knowledge that he has finished the work that our God had set before him and has entered His presence to the sound of well done My good and faithful servant.

2 Corinthians 5:6-8

Sunday, May 13, 2007

To All Mothers