Dr. L. Russ Bush Goes Home, 1944-2008
Dr. Bush, Christian apologist, Southern Baptist champion and author, Seminary professor, Mentor, Sunday school teacher, and oh yes, loving husband and father has finished the race. Dr. Bush has lost his battle with cancer, but the battle against his sinful flesh is won. Praise be to God.
My dear brother Travis has written a sweet tribute to his life. Dr. Mohler has also posted a tribute worth reading, in it he says of Dr. Bush:
He fought bravely and provided for all a demonstration of how a Christian should face both disease and death. His faith in his Lord Jesus Christ was evident, even as his humility never faltered. He kept a brave face and refused to resign himself to a disease. He showed up at denominational meetings where healthy persons complained about boredom. He never complained.
The official epitaph for Dr. Bush is on SEBTS’s site. For a little peek into his gentle heart you will want to read the short note by C. B. Scott.
The question that comes to my mind is, who will fill his shoes?
Yet do not despair, God will supply.