Gospel Worship

The back of the dust cover states:
Worship is for God, Not for us. Sadly, that simple statement is foreign to our day. Yet God is as clear today as He was to Nadab and Abihu in the Old Testament: He will be treated as holy by those who come into His presence (Lev. 10:1-3). Their deaths show that one cannot get too much instruction as to the right way and the wrong way to worship Him.
The description on the back continues to explain that pastor Burroughs masterfully gives guidelines to assist us in moving closer to God in worship. In the sermons contained in this volume, he carefully explains the right manner of worshiping God through the hearing of the Word, receiving the Lord's Supper, and in prayer. Most importantly, brother Burroughs shows that true worship is reverent and focused upon our holy God.
A sampling of the sermon titles that make up the chapters include:
The Importance of Preparing for Worship
Suiting Our Duties to the God We Are Worshipping
Why God will Have His Name Sanctified
What is Required in Receiving the Sacrament
Sanctifying the Name of God in Prayer
The book can be obtained through Ligonier Ministries for $17.60. It promises to be well worth the cost.
"The reason why we worship God in a slight way is because we do not see God in His glory." Jeremiah Burroughs
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mombaw, at 8:30 PM
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