How to Hear the Word, Both Read and Preached
- Preparing your heart & your family’s heart—Begin with Prayer (Col 4:2)
- Read the text for the sermon before coming to worship (2 Ti 3:14-15)
- Consider the importance of worship in the Word (2 Ti 3:16)
- Come with an appetite for the Word (1 Pe 2:2)
- Come with a tender & teachable attitude (Lk 8:15)
- Come expectant (Ac 17:11)
- Be attentive to the Word as it is read and exposited (Heb 2:1)
- Receive the Word with meekness and humility (Mk 4:20)
- Receive the Word in faith (Ja 1:21)
- Examine yourself in the light of the Word (2 Co 13:5)
- Strive to retain and pray over what you have heard (Heb 2:1)
- Practice what you have heard (Ja 1:22-25)
“Come from your knees to the sermon, and from the sermon to your knees.” – Joseph Alleine